Showing posts with label narrative. Show all posts
Showing posts with label narrative. Show all posts

18 February 2010

"Final Contract" #Fridayflash

Author's note: I added 'will be' quite a bit in this piece, simply because I am forever cutting them out or avoiding them altogether. In the interest of pursuing varied writing styles, I provide you with this very short. Can you tell who it is?

Photo credit: Comeilmare from

They all get called—some are waiting for it, others fear it—but when their number is up, I am there. Fast or slow, high or low. Traumatizing—it does not matter. Horrifying? The most energy. I am proud to say that from an early age, everybody knows my name.

I will show early to see it happen, to feel the transfer of fate dealt. I will never be the cause, merely the purveyor of such unfortunate circumstances. I will have no bias against race, creed, or gender. I will take the wealthy as quickly as I snatch one deep from the recess of poverty.

I will also be a gentleman. In return, I will attempt to (as much as possible) offer a final review. Scenes of everyday existence: Favorite moments, or if I’m feeling particularly malevolent, compressed minutes of terror. I will watch what was warm lose the spark. I will watch the animate transform to inanimate, and I will take my leave.

My calling card will be blue or green: mottled, with the sweet hint of impending decay. It will be given, it will command, it will translate to chemical changes within the cooling flesh. One last fire, as Nature insists on closure, and then it is the way, as with all things. Every last soul. I will be your guide—be glad I am here.

This is a lasting promise made. I will meet you eventually, for I exist for one purpose: I exist because of you.